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    22.One way to schedule your life during vacation is_   

    • A、some new activities

    • B、calling them to go out

    • C、to make good friends

    • D、to get a summer job

    • E、the school schedule

    • F、surfing the Internet

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    How to Help Teens Lose Weight

    Teenage obesity(肥胖) is an increasing problem in the United States.  26 These teens run a higher risk of health problems as well as social problems.If your teen is overweight and expresses a desire to lose weight , help him do so in a healthy and safe manner.

    Go to your teen's doctor to discuss a realistic weight-loss goal._27  Even if your teen is overweight , you should not make any big changes to physical activity or diet without his doctor's agreement.

    Change your own behavior.If you are engaged in unhealthy habits ,you're sending the message to your teen that it's OK for him to follow suit.If you and your teen follow a healthy diet and an exercise plan together , you'll provide each other with the motivation and encouragement.  28  Let him know you are willing to help him.

    Encourage your teen to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day.Choose a fun activity you might be able to enjoy together._  29  If he chooses an activity he thinks he'll enjoy , he'll be more likely to keep it.

    Ensure a healthy diet for your entire family.Your teen won't feel like he's missing out if you're all eating the same types of foods.Discourage your family from drinking sugary drinks._30   If you must eat out ,choose the healthiest possible options (选项)

    A. Avoid eating fast foods.

    B. Talk to your teen about his weight.

    c. Suggest that your teen should go to bed early.

    D. The number of obese teens amounts to 18% in 2010.

    E. Most doctors say teens are still growing and should not diet.

    F. Or, ask him if he might be interested in taking a class such as dance.

    19.Paragraph :

    • A、Finding a summer job

    • B、Joining in summer camps

    • C、Keeping a healthy lifestyle

    • D、Attending summer schools

    • E、Helping people with summer blues

    • F、Knowing features of summer blues

    25. We may help our friends out of summer blues by_   

    • A、some new activities

    • B、calling them to go out

    • C、to make good friends

    • D、to get a summer job

    • E、the school schedule

    • F、surfing the Internet






