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1-5 AACCC 6-10 BCCAD 11-15 DACAB 16-20 ACACB
21-25 ADBBC 26-30 DABBB 31-35 CBDDA
36 Accident 37 boundary 38 capture 39 Delicious 40 essencial
41 formula 42 greet 43 hinder 44 increase 45 league
46 minor 47 natural 48 oppose 49 perceive 50 regret
51 surface 52 thermometer 53 upwards 54 victim 55 waiter
56 ended 57 traditionaly 58 be sure 59 to work 60 probably
61 stolen 62 neighborhood 63 arrival 64 helpful 65 excited
66 It's obvious that you need more oral English pratice.
67 The project is finished earlier than we expected.
68 She sticked to that the work should be done by an experienced one.
69 The opening ceremony of the beijing olympics showed colorful chinese culture
70 What you said is different from what we discovered.
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