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【概括大意】Two major findings have emerged from these researches. Firstly, the greater part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. It is estimated that 50 percent of measurable intelligence at age 17 is already predictable by the age of four. Secondly, he most important factors in the environment are language and psychological aspects of the parent-child relationship. Much of the difference in measured intelligence between "privileged" and "disadvantaged" children may be due to the latter’s lack of appropriate verbal stimulation and the poverty of their perceptual experiences.
The main idea of this paragraph is __________.
A、Two Major Changed View of Intelligence
B、Many of the differences in measured intelligence
C、Main Results of Recent Researches
D、Impact on School Education
【正确答案】 C
【答案解析】 本段文字的第一句话就把其内容点的很清楚,要介绍的是:Two major findings have emerged from these researches.而选项C中的Main Results只不过是major findings的另一种说法而已。
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