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1. 写作模式:引出话题-摆出两种观点-我的观点
2. 常用句型:
The issue of whether… or not has been widely argued/ debated about.
…has become a hot topic among people
When it comes to …, people will have a heated discussion.
Some people suggest/ hold the opinion that… But / However/ Nevertheless/ otherpeople hold a different point of view.
Some people are inclined to think that…On the contrary, there are many peoplewho won't agree, and they claim…
In my eyes/ view/ As to me/ To the best of my knowledge/ As far as I amconcerned…
I'm in favor of…/ I am on the side of/ My favor goes to the former/ latteropinion to some extent. The main reason is that… Furthermore…
There is probably some truth in both arguments, but I prefer …to…
In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we… we should take intoconsideration all aspects of the problem and then make the right decision.
Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter opinion.
As to me, I prefer the former one.
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